
Selected publications by categories in reversed chronological order [generated by jekyll-scholar].

🕰 For historical publications (before ca. 2017), please refer to the archive here, as a virtual handout (presented at ASNAC 2016).

🆕 A snapshot of more recent publications are here.


  1. Ethical considerations toward protestware
    Marc Cheong, Raula Gaikovina Kula, and Christoph Treude
  2. Rising caesarean section rates and factors affecting women’s decision-making about mode of birth in Indonesia: a longitudinal qualitative study
    Rana Islamiah Zahroh, Alya Hazfiarini, Moya A D Martiningtyas, Fitriana Murriya Ekawati, Ova Emilia, Marc Cheong, Ana Pilar Betran, Caroline S E Homer, and Meghan A Bohren
  3. Documenting ethical considerations in open source AI models
    Haoyu Gao, Mansooreh Zahedi, Christoph Treude, Sarita Rosenstock, and Marc Cheong
  4. Now you see me, now you don’t: an exploration of religious exnomination in DALL-E
    Mark Alfano, Ehsan Abedin, Ritsaart Reimann, Marinus Ferreira, and Marc Cheong
  5. Moral universals: A machine-reading analysis of 256 societies
    Mark Alfano, Marc Cheong, and Oliver Scott Curry
  6. Investigating gender and racial biases in DALL-E Mini Images
    Marc Cheong, Ehsan Abedin, Marinus Ferreira, Ritsaart Willem Reimann, Shalom Chalson, Pamela Robinson, Joanne Byrne, Leah Ruppanner, Mark Alfano, and Colin Klein


  1. Decentralised social media: Scoping review and future research directions
    Julian Marx, and Marc Cheong
    In ACIS 2023 Proceedings, 2023
  2. Approaches and Models for Teaching Digital Ethics in Information Systems Courses – A Review of the Literature
    Minna Paltiel, Marc Cheong, Simon Coghlan, and Reeva Lederman
  3. To chat or bot to chat: Ethical issues with using chatbots in mental health
    Simon Coghlan, Kobi Leins, Susie Sheldrick, Marc Cheong, Piers Gooding, and Simon D’Alfonso
  4. Existentialism on social media
    Marc Cheong
  5. COVID Down Under: where did Australia’s pandemic apps go wrong?
    Shaanan Cohney, and Marc Cheong
    In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), 2023
  6. ETHICS-2023 Session D1 - Open Forum: Building a Technology Ethics Community
    Thomas Creely, Marc Cheong, Heather Love, and Ketra Schmitt
    In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), 2023
  7. ‘Emerging proxies’ in information-rich machine learning: a threat to fairness?
    Aidan James McLoughney, Jeannie Marie Paterson, Marc Cheong, and Anthony Wirth
    In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), 2023
  8. "Tell us what’s going on": Exploring the information needs of pregnant and post-partum women in Australia during the pandemic with ’Tweets’, ’Threads’, and women’s views
    Cassandra Caddy, Marc Cheong, Megan S C Lim, Robert Power, Joshua P Vogel, Zoe Bradfield, Benjamin Coghlan, Caroline S E Homer, and Alyce N Wilson
  9. The wisdom_of_crowds: An Efficient, Philosophically-Validated, Social Epistemological Network Profiling Toolkit
    Colin Klein, Marc Cheong, Marinus Ferreira, Emily Sullivan, and Mark Alfano
    In Complex Networks and Their Applications XI, 2023
  10. Exploring intellectual humility through the lens of artificial intelligence: Top terms, features and a predictive model
    Ehsan Abedin, Marinus Ferreira, Ritsaart Reimann, Marc Cheong, Igor Grossmann, and Mark Alfano
  11. Generative AIs: Epistemic injustice in AI, writ large?
    Marc Cheong, and E Abedin
    In 2023 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, Melbourne, VIC., 2023
  12. 2023 State of the future of work
    Leah Ruppanner, Brendan Churchill, David Bissell, Peter Ghin, Camilla Hydelund, Susan Ainsworth, Alysia Blackham, Jeff Borland, Marc Cheong, Michelle Evans, Lea Frermann, Tania King, and Frank Vetere


  1. Polarization and trust in the evolution of vaccine discourse on Twitter during COVID-19
    Ignacio Ojea Quintana, Ritsaart Reimann, Marc Cheong, Mark Alfano, and Colin Klein
  2. Professional Presentation and Projected Power: A Case Study of Implicit Gender Information in English CVs
    Jinrui Yang, Sheilla Njoto, Marc Cheong, Leah Ruppanner, and Lea Frermann
    In 5th Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science (NLP+CSS), 2022
  3. The Affiliative Use of Emoji and Hashtags in the Black Lives Matter Movement in Twitter
    Mark Alfano, Ritsaart Reimann, Ignacio Ojea Quintana, Anastasia Chan, Marc Cheong, and Colin Klein
  4. Attention and counter-framing in the Black Lives Matter movement on Twitter
    Colin Klein, Ritsaart Reimann, Ignacio Ojea Quintana, Marc Cheong, Marinus Ferreira, and Mark Alfano
  5. A tragic coalition of the rational and irrational: A threat to collective responses to COVID-19
    Marinus Ferreira, Marc Cheong, Colin Klein, and Mark Alfano
  6. Technological Stewardship and Responsible Innovation: A Mindset, an Ethos, and an Interdisciplinary Undertaking
    Brandiff Caron, Marc Cheong, Jin Sol Kim, Jason Lajoie, Heather A Love, and Ketra Schmitt
  7. [REVIEW] “AI Assistants.” Roberto Pieraccini, 2021, MIT Press
    Marc Cheong
  8. Using public data to measure diversity in computer science research communities: A critical data governance perspective
    Rachelle Bosua, Marc Cheong, Karin Clark, Damian Clifford, Simon Coghlan, Chris Culnane, Kobi Leins, and Megan Richardson
  9. Ethical Dilemmas for @Celebrities: Promoting #Intimacy, Facing #Inauthenticity, and Defusing #Invectiveness
    Marc Cheong
  10. Book review: Luca Possati (2021): “The algorithmic unconscious: how psychoanalysis helps in understanding AI” (Routledge)
    Marc Cheong
  11. Gender Bias in AI Recruitment Systems: A Sociological- and Data Science-based Case Study
    Sheilla Njoto, Marc Cheong, Reeva Lederman, Aidan McLoughney, Leah Ruppanner, and Anthony Wirth
    In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 2022
  12. Teaching Digital Ethics in Information Systems
    Minna Paltiel, Marc Cheong, Simon Coghlan, and Reeva Lederman
    In ACIS 2022 Proceedings, 2022
  13. A Tale of Two Anti-Heroes
    Marc Cheong
  14. Social Media Harms as a Trilemma: Asymmetry, Algorithms, and Audacious Design Choices
    Marc Cheong
    In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 2022


  1. Timely Integration of User Generated Responses to C19: TIGER C19 - Report 6, September 2021
    Robert Power, Ben Coghlan, Marc Cheong, Simon Coghlan, and Cassie Caddy
  2. The Optimise Study: Vaccination knowledge, attitudes and beliefs
    Freya Saich, Edwin Kwong, Katherine Heath, Aimée Altermatt, Stephanie Munari, Bronwen Merner, Sophie Hill, Mark Stoové, Daniel Griffiths, Alex Collie, Megan Lim, Sarah Eddy, Niamh Meagher, Colin McDougall, Katitza Marinkovic Chavez, Lauren Carpenter, Stephanie Fletcher-Lartey, David Price, Lisa Gibbs, Freya Shearer, Robert Power, Marc Cheong, Cassandra Caddy, Alisa Pedrana, Katherine Gibney, and Margaret Hellard
  3. Timely Integration of User Generated Responses to C19: TIGER C19 - Report 5, August 2021
    Robert Power, Ben Coghlan, Marc Cheong, Simon Coghlan, and Cassie Caddy
  4. The Optimise Study: Impact of government restrictions on risk mitigation strategies
    Freya Saich, Edwin Kwong, Katherine Heath, Aimée Altermatt, Stephanie Munari, Bronwen Merner, Sophie Hill, Robert Power, Marc Cheong, Cassandra Caddy, Daniel Griffiths, Alex Collie, Alisa Pedrana, Katherine Gibney, and Margaret Hellard
  5. Timely Integration of User Generated Responses to C19: TIGER C19 - Report 4, June 2021
    Robert Power, Ben Coghlan, Marc Cheong, Simon Coghlan, and Cassie Caddy
  6. Timely Integration of User Generated Responses to C19: TIGER C19 - Report 3, April-May 2021
    Robert Power, Ben Coghlan, Marc Cheong, Simon Coghlan, and Cassie Caddy
  7. LEx: A Framework for Operationalising Layers of Machine Learning Explanations
    Ronal Singh, Upol Ehsan, Marc Cheong, Mark O Riedl, and Tim Miller
    In ACM CHI 2023 Workshop on Human-Centered Explainable AI (HCXAI), 2021
  8. Timely Integration of User Generated Responses to C19: TIGER C19 - Report 2, April 2021
    Robert Power, Ben Coghlan, Marc Cheong, Simon Coghlan, and Cassie Caddy
  9. Computer Science Communities: Who is Speaking, and Who is Listening to the Women? Using an Ethics of Care to Promote Diverse Voices
    Marc Cheong, Kobi Leins, and Simon Coghlan
    In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, New York, NY, USA, 2021
  10. Timely Integration of User Generated Responses to C19: TIGER C19 - Report 1, March 2021
    Robert Power, Ben Coghlan, Marc Cheong, and Simon Coghlan
  11. Who Oversees the Government’s Automated Decision-Making? Modernising Regulation and Review of Australian Automated Administrative Decision-Making
    Marc Cheong, and Kobi Leins
  12. To Honor our Heroes: Analysis of the Obituaries of Australians Killed in Action in WWI and WWII
    Marc Cheong, and Mark Alfano
    In 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2021
  13. The Hidden Harms of Targeted Advertising by Algorithms and Interventions from the Consumer Protection Toolkit
    Jeannie Marie Paterson, Shanton Chang, Marc Cheong, Chris Culnane, Suelette Dreyfus, and Dana McKay


  1. Ethical Implications of AI Bias as a Result of Workforce Gender Imbalance
    Marc Cheong, Reeva Lederman, Aidan McLoughney, Sheilla Njoto, Leah Ruppanner, and Anthony Wirth
  2. Tracking, tracing, trust: contemplating mitigating the impact of COVID-19 through technological interventions
    Simon Coghlan, Marc Cheong, and Benjamin Coghlan


  1. Guest Editors’ Introduction: Examining Moral Emotions in Nietzsche with the Semantic Web Exploration Tool: Nietzsche
    Mark Alfano, and Marc Cheong
  2. Asymmetry in Online Social Networks
    Marc Cheong
    In 2019 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, Wollongong, 2019


  1. Technological Seduction and Self-Radicalization
    Mark Alfano, J Adam Carter, and Marc Cheong
  2. “Power to the People!”: Social Media Discourse on Regional Energy Issues in Australia
    Kerri Morgan, Marc Cheong, and Susan Bedingfield
  3. Experimental investigations of #authenticity online
    Marc Cheong
    In 2018 Australasian Association of Philosophy/New Zealand Association of Philosophy Conference, Wellington, 2018


  1. The Algorithm as Human: a cross-disciplinary discussion of anthropology in an increasingly data-driven world
    J Byrne, and M Cheong
    In AAS/ASA/ASAANZ 2017 Shifting States Conference, 2017
  2. Existentialism and the ‘IT Crowd’
    Marc Cheong
    In 2017 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, Adelaide, 2017
  3. From Sartre to #nofilter: On Authenticity: dialogues between existentialism & online technology
    Marc Cheong
    In 2017 Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference, Hobart, 2017


  1. An investigation of how the Australian brewing industry influence consumers on Twitter
    Torgeir Aleti, Paul Harrigan, Marc Cheong, and Will Turner
  2. Twitter, Alcohol and Wasted War Stories: Potted Lessons in Social Media-Based Methodologies
    Marc Cheong, Torgeir Aleti, and Will Turner


  1. Inferring Social Behavior and Interaction on Twitter by Combining Metadata about Users & Messages
    Marc Cheong